How trainers can get back into a good work routine

6 October, 2021

How trainers can get back into a good work routine

As COVID-19 lockdown restrictions ease, personal trainers everywhere are getting prepared to go back to work. As fitness industry professionals, we’ve been hit pretty hard by the lockdowns that have closed gyms in Australia for the past few months, and as a result many trainers haven’t worked that much.

While it may have been financially stressful and a bit boring at the time, many of us have got used to a more relaxed routine. However, with gyms opening back up very soon, it’s time for us all to get back into a good work routine (which is sometimes easier than it sounds!)

Here’s out top tips to get motivated for work again. You can do it!tips to get motivated for work


  1. Start waking up early ASAPAs a trainer, you probably have a pretty unique routine. You’ll be no stranger to setting an alarm for 4:45am and working until 2pm each day instead of a traditional 9-5. However, over lockdowns it’s likely that you’ve fallen out of the habit of waking up early.Our top tip for combatting this is to start waking up early ASAP and ease yourself in. One day set an alarm for 8am, then 7am, then 6am and so on. This will help to reduce the stress factor and shock when you have to start setting super early alarms again.
  2. Stay organisedBeing organised is one of the best skills to have as a trainer, and this down time is the perfect opportunity to get organised. When work is back in full swing you will likely be super tired and everything will be go go go. This will be great! But the downside is that you’ll probably be too busy to do the general life admin that needs to get done.Get this life admin out of the way now, so that when you’re back up and running you don’t need to worry about it. This could be organising your work schedule, sorting out your tax return and abn or even just organising and ordering gym equipment if you work for industry professionals
  3. Manage expectations with clientsIn the same way you’ve been bored without your clients, they have probably missed you a lot too. Normally when a lockdown is lifted we see a surge in gym memberships and personal training interest because people are so desperate to get fit again.However, be sure not to take on too much in one go. If clients are getting a bit intense, remember that you can always manage expectations and ask to ease back into the full workload over a period of a few weeks.
  4. Remember we’re all in the same boat

You’re not alone! Anyone going back to work full-time will be feeling the same way, and although motivation might be low at the moment, you’ll soon get into the swing of it. In reality, we are so lucky that we’re opening back up and have the opportunity to work again. It is going to be great for people to see each other again in the flesh, and build that sense of community again in the fitness world.

The first few weeks might be a tough slog, but remember it will pass. We are so lucky to be going back to work, and to do the job we do. Keeping people happy, active and healthy is one of the most important and rewarding jobs in these challenging times, so keep smiling and remember how vital your work really is.


Good luck!!

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