EMS for weight loss

22 February, 2019

EMS for weight loss

EMS training helps you to build lean muscle, which in turn speeds up your metabolism, helping you to burn fat. You’ll also burn more calories during your EMS workout due to the increased muscle activity that EMS provides, and because more muscle fibres are activated during an EMS session than during a conventional workout, this also triggers an “afterburn” effect – which means you’ll burn more calories for up to 48 hours after each EMS session.

Through EMS training, specific problem areas of the body can also be targeted, including the abdominals, thighs and “love handles”. EMS can also help to reduce the appearance of cellulite by improving circulation, removing toxins, toning muscles and stimulating collagen production and blood flow to the skin.

To get the best possible weight-loss results, it’s recommended to combine your EMS training with a healthy eating plan. This will not only facilitate greater weight loss, it will also give you more energy to get the most out of your training.

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