I found the staff at 20PerFit to be professional, patient and dedicated

6 June, 2019

I found the staff at 20PerFit to be professional, patient and dedicated

I signed up with 20PerFit right after two lobectomy surgeries followed by a few months of chemo. At the time I lacked the energy for my daily tasks and felt pretty unfit.

I found the staff at 20PerFit staff to be professional, patient and dedicated. My trainer was very knowledgeable about muscle anatomy and that helped a lot with my rehab process.

They eased me into working out and eating a balanced diet. They also built up my strength and stamina with diverse and interesting workout programs to the point that I started seeing continual improvement from my sessions which are run in a very relaxed yet supportive environment. My trainer went at the pace that I was comfortable with, and before I knew it I was looking and feeling so much better. Not only does my trainer tailor each session to my particular quirks and needs, he also varies the circuits enough to keep me interested.

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